Aurelius Ambrosius
British king. Aurelius Ambrosius was the second son of Constantine and brother of Constans and Uther. Aurelius was given the surname Ambrosius. In Welsh, Ambrosius Aurelianus is translated to Emrys Wledig. However, the name Emrys can be applied to Merlin as well, who was also known as Ambrosius.
When Vortigern had his elder brother murdered, Aurelius and Uther were spirited away to Brittany, where they were brought up. Years later, Aurelius and Uther returned to Britain with an army to depose the usurper, avenge their brother's death, and drive out the Saxons from Britain. Vortigern was burned alive in his palace. Hengist and his brother, leaders of the Saxons, were defeated and killed.
Aurelius Ambrosius became king of the Britons. Aurelius set about restoring the land and churches that the Saxons had destroyed in the war. With the help of Merlin, Aurelius was responsible for bringing stones from Ireland to erect the Giant Ring, now known as the Stonehenge.
However, his reign was short. He still had to fight the remaining Saxons under the leadership of Hengist's son Octa, as well as Paschent, son of Vortigern.
One night, Aurelius was assassinated. Poison was used to kill him. Aurelius was buried at Stonehenge.
According to the Celtic historian Gildas, it was Aurelianus Ambrosius who defeated the Saxons in the battle of Mount Badon, not Arthur.
Related Information
Ambrosius Aurelianus (according to Gildas).
Emrys Wledig (Welsh).
Related Articles
Uther Pendragon, Arthur, Vortigern, Merlin.
Genealogy: House of King Arthur.

By Jimmy Joe