Troezen was a seaport city in southeastern Argolis, on the Saronic Gulf.
At first, the land around Troezen was called Oraea by Orus, the first king of Troezen, and then changed to Althepa, by his grandson, Althepus. Althepus' son Saron became king, but he drowned, and the water was named after him as the Saronic Gulf.
On this land, there were two towns called Hypereia and Antheia, when Pittheus and Troezen (sons of Pelops) settled in the land. The brothers ruled the land as co-rulers. At the death of Troezen, Pittheus combined two towns together into one city and named the city after his brother.
The Athenian hero Theseus was brought up by his grandfather, Pittheus. It was also the scene for Euripides' play, Hippolytus. (See the family tree of the Pelopids.)

By Jimmy Joe