Teuthrania (Pergamon)
Teuthrania was a Mysian city, located on the river Caïcus. A man named Teuthras founded Teuthrania. Teuthras married Auge, daughter of Aleüs, who was already pregnant by Heracles' son. Heracles had raped Auge during his stay in Tegea. Auge bore Telphus, whom Teuthras adopted. Telphus succeeded Teuthras.
During the war against Troy, the Greeks accidentally landed and attacked Teuthrania, assuming they were attacking Troy. Achilles wounded Telphus in the fighting. The Greeks agreed to heal Telphus' wound in exchange for guiding the Greek fleet to Troy. Telphus agreed. However, Telphus would not fight with the Greeks against Troy, since he was a son-in-law of Priam.
In the last year of the war, Priam managed to induce Eurypylus, son of Telphus (promising to pay Eurypylus with a gold vine), to help the Trojans with the war. After killing Machaon and Peneleüs, Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, killed Eurypylus.
During the reign of Areius, Pergamus, son of Neoptolemus, who migrated from Epeirus, captured Teuthrania. Pergamus renamed Teuthrania to Pergamon (Πέργαμος or Pergamum).
Related Information
Teuthrania, Τεύθρανια;
Pergamon, Pergamum, Πέργαμος (classical).
Teuthrania, Telephus, Areius, Pergamus.

By Jimmy Joe