Phrygia was a large region in the interior of Asia Minor (Anatalia). The boundary of Phrygia changed many times over the centuries.
Historically, the Phrygians were a race of people who spoke an Indo-European language called Phrygian. The main cities of Phrygia included Pessinus, Ancyra and Gordium. Gordium was founded by the legendary king, Gordius, while his famous son Midas founded Ancyra.
Phrygia also included the Troad, a region in the northwest of Asia Minor. The major city in the Troad was Troy (Ilium). In the Trojan War, Phorcys, son of Phaenops, and Ascanius led the Phrgyian forces from the kingdom known as Ascania, as an ally of Troy. Telamonian Ajax killed Phorcys in battle.
Related Information
Phrygia, Φρυγία.
Otreus, Phorcys, Ascanius.
Gordius, Midas.

By Jimmy Joe