Dardania was a Phrygian city situated on the foot of Mount Ida. Dardania had a close relationship with Troy. During the reign of Laomedon, Troy became the more powerful city of the two cities. However, the House of Dardania was much older by few generations.
Dardanus, son of Zeus and the Pleiade Electra founded the city of Dardania. He married Bateia, daughter of Teucer. Dardanus' descendants divided the family into two separate houses between the sons of Tros: Assaracus ruled Dardania, while Ilus founded a new city, which named Ilium or Troy. (See House of Troy for more details about Dardania.)
During the Trojan War, Aeneas, son of Anchises, became the last king of Dardania. He was the one of the leader to escape the fall of Troy. According to Roman myth, Aeneas migrated to Latium, Italy. He became the ancestor of Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome.
See the family tree of the House of Troy and Dardania.
Related Information
Dardania, Δάρδανια.
Teucer(?), Dardanus, Erichthonius, Tros, Assaracus, Capys, Anchises, Aeneas.
By Jimmy Joe