Helche (Erka)
Helche was the first wife of Etzel (Attila) in the Nibelungenlied. Helche had already died and does not appear in the Nibelungenlied, though she was mentioned several times as the Good Queen. She was the aunt of Herrat.
Helche was known as Erka, daughter of Osantrix, in the 12th century Norwegian saga titled Thidrekssaga. Erka had a sister named Berta. Attila's duke, Rudolf, managed to help the king win Erka. Erka ran away with her sister to Hunland. However, enmity and a long feud resulted between Attila and Osantrix. Erka was married to Attila and was the mother of two sons – Erp and Ortvin. Erka was seen as a wise and compassionate queen. As a reward for his services, Attila and Erka allowed Rudolf to marry Berta, sister of Erka.
Erka was a close friend of the hero Dietrich (known as Thiðrek in Thidrekssaga), who had helped her husband to win the war against her own father. In return for this service, her sons aided Dietrich in the war against Erminrek and were killed by the hero Witege (Vidga). Erka comforted Dietrich, who had failed to protect her sons in the fighting. Erka died shortly afterwards from either illness or from grief.
Before her death, she warned her husband Attila not to marry Kriemhild (Grimhild or Gudrun), because she foresaw that Kriemhild would bring ruin to Attila and his vassals. Her warning was ignored, and that would later result in a battle between the Nibelungs (or the Niflungs, the Burgundian family) and the Huns (with the Amelungs).

By Jimmy Joe