Dietrich von Bern (Verona) was based on the historical figure of Theodoric the Great, an Ostrogoth king who ruled Italy after Odoacer, another Ostrogoth king, who died in AD 493. Theodoric established a strong kingdom and reigned until his death in AD 526.
In Germanic legend, Theodoric was known as Dietrich, and he was made a contemporary of other well-known historical figures, Attila the Hun (Etzel), Guntharius (Gunther) and Ermanaric (Jormunrek). Historically, Theodoric was born around 20 years after Attila's death (AD 453) and around a hundred years after Ermanaric, who died in AD 375. Guntharius was killed in AD 437.
Dietrich was the son of Dietmar (Theodemir) who ruled his kingdom in Bern (Verona). Ermanaric, the king of the Goths, invaded Bern and expelled Dietrich from his kingdom.
Dietrich fled with many followers, including Hildebrand and his two nephews, Alphart and Wolfhart. Dietrich went to the kingdom of the Huns, where Attila welcomed him as a guest. Dietrich became Attila's adviser and vassal, marrying Attila's niece.
During his stay in Attila's court, he became a friend of Hagen, Waltharius and other noble hostages of Attila. See Waltharius.
In the Nibelungenlied and the Norwegian Thiðrekssaga, Dietrich became unwillingly involved in the plots of Kriemhild, Attila's second wife, to destroy Hagen and her family, because they were responsible for her husband's murder. All of his followers, except Hildebrand, were killed in the battle between the warriors of Attila and Gunther (the Burgundians). Dietrich reluctantly fought and captured the Burgundian guests, Gunther and Hagen. Kriemhild murdered her brother Gunther, and Hagen, Gunther's henchman and Kriemhild's archenemy. See Nibelungenlied for the full story.
After over thirty years as a guest of Attila, Dietrich raised an army of Hunnish warriors to retake his kingdom. A battle was fought at Ravenna in which Dietrich defeated Ermanaric. Dietrich regained the throne and kingdom at Ermanric's death.
According to the Die Rabenschlacht ("The Battle of Ravenna"), Dietrich's brother and the two sons of Attila accompanied the hero. Though he won the battle, Witege, a champion of Ermanaric, killed the three youths. In grief and rage, Dietrich pursued Witege, and later returned to Attila's court where he brought the sad news of the death of Attila's sons.
Related Information
Dietrich von Bern (Dietrich of Verona).
Dietrich (German).
Thiðrek (Norse - Norwegian).
Thiodrek (Norse - Icelandic).
Theodoric the Great (Ostrogoth, historical).
Dietrichs Flucht ("Dietrich's Flight").
Die Rabenschlacht ("The Battle of Ravenna") was written in the late 13th century.
Thiðrekssaga was Norwegian epic of 1200.
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Dietrich von Bern, Ermanaric, Attila (Etzel), Hildebrand, Wolfhart, Kriemhild, Gunther, Hagen, Waltharius.

By Jimmy Joe