A Danish king who appeared in the Old English poem, Beowulf. Hrothgar was the son of Healfdene. Hrothgar was also the brother of Heorogar, Halga and Yrse. Hrothgar married Wealhtheow, and was the father of a daughter named Freawaru, and of two sons, Hrethric and Hrothmund. Hrothgar belonged to the family known as the Scyldings.
In his youth, Hrothgar was considered to be a great warrior in battle. It was he who built the hall – Heorot. The hall was a place of joyous feasting, drinking and singing. Traegdy struck when the humanoid creature called Grendel murdered his loyal thanes and warriors in their sleep, before devouring them. Heorot became a place of slaughter for twelve years, because Hrothgar failed to hunt down and kill Grendel until the arrival of the Geatish hero named Beowulf. It was mentioned later, before Beowulf left Hrothgar, that the Danish king had ruled for 50 years.
Beowulf not only killed Grendel, he also slew Grendel's more powerful mother. Hrothgar's gratitude and generosity knew no bounds. Hrothgar rewarded him with armour, weapons and precious items. Hrothgar would have also adopted him because of his love for the brave hero, but his wife Wealhtheow persuaded the king to leave the kingdom to her son instead.
Although Hrothgar played no part in the second half of the poem, Hrothgar would have a feud with his son-in-law, Ingeld the Heathobard, who married his daughter Freawaru. Also, it has been suggested that Hrothgar's nephew Hrothulf would betray him, depriving his own sons of kingship.
Related Information
Hrothgar, Hrōðgār (Old English).
Hróarr (Icelandic).
Roe (Danish).
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Beowulf, Grendel.
Beowulf (epic).
Genealogy: Beowulf and the Scyldings.

By Jimmy Joe