Prophetess. Sibyl was actually the Latin name for several prophetesses that appeared in Roman legends. One of the Sibyls guided the Trojan hero Aeneas to the Underworld to talk to his father, Anchises. Sibyl appeared to be a title rather than a name.
According to the Icelander Snorri Sturluson, Sibyl was another name for Sif. Sibyl (Sif) married Tror or Thor. Despite the name, Sif didn't appear to have any divination skill in Norse literature.
The first poem in the Poetic Edda, Voluspa, was frequently translated into English as the "Sibyl's Prophecy". Judging by the poem, Odin was trying to get Sibyl to reveal the secrets of the future, hoping to either avoid his doom at Ragnarok or possibly save what he could of the present world.

By Jimmy Joe