Signy was the daughter of Volsung and Ljod (Hljod). She was the sister of Sigmund (her twin) and nine other brothers.
Signy was the reluctant bride of Siggeir, king of Gothland. She immediately knew that Siggeir was treacherous and murderous. She unsuccessfully tried to convince her father not to let the marriage take place. When Siggeir invited her father and brothers to his land, Signy tried to warn her father of her husband's plot, but was ignored. As a result, Volsung and nine of her brothers died. She only managed to save her twin, Sigmund.
Signy bore four children to Siggeir. As her brothers hid in the woods near the palace, the two plotted to avenge their family. Signy planned to use her two eldest sons to destroy Siggeir. When each of her two elder sons reached the age of eleven, she sent them to her brother to test their mettle. When each of her sons showed a lack of strength and courage, Signy ordered her brother to kill that son.
Still determined to avenge her father's death, Signy sought help from a beautiful witch. The witch transformed Signy so that her looks resembled the witch herself. Disguised as the witch, Signy made love to her brother for three nights. She bore Sigmund a son named Sinfjotli.
Signy sent Sinfjotli (when he was eleven) to Sigmund. Sigmund was unaware that Sinfjotli was really his son. Likewise, Sinfjotli did not know Sigmund was his father. Together, Sigmund and Sinfjotli were strong enough to defeat Siggeir and his warriors. Using stealth, they tried to sneak into Siggeir's palace, but Siggeir and Signy's younger children spotted them. Again, Signy ordered Sigmund to kill her children, but he refused. They were instead killed by Sinfjotli. Sigmund and Sinfjotli were captured. Siggeir had them put in the barrow, and had them buried alive. Signy however secretly managed to give a magic sword to Sigmund. Sigmund and Sinfjotli dug their way out of the barrow.
When Sigmund and Sinfjotli escaped, they set the palace on fire, letting no one but Signy escape. Signy came out of the burning building only to tell Sigmund that Sinfjotli was really his son. Signy, who felt responsible for her other children's deaths, returned to the burning house to die with her husband, whom she hated.

By Jimmy Joe