God of wind and sea. Njörd (Njord) appeared to be the leader of the Vanir before he became an Aesir god.
While he was living in Vanaheim, Njörd was married to his own sister (nameless or else she is the Germanic goddess Nerthus). Snorri mentioned this incestuous marriage in the Ynglinga Saga 4. Njörd was the father of Freyr and Freyja.
Some scholars believed that Njörd was a female form of Nerthus. See Germanic Deities, Nerthus.
Njörd and his children were originally Vanir, and during the peace between them and their rival tribes, the Aesir, they were exchanged as hostages to keep the peace. However Njörd and his children were later offered places within the Aesir. (See War of Aesir and Vanir).
It seemed that incest was a normal practice among the Vanir. When Njörd became a member of the Aesir, as well as his children, Njörd had to give up his sister-wife (Nerthus?).
His marriage to the giantess Skadi, daughter of Thiassi, did not last long due to the fact that he preferred to live by the sea, Nóatún (Noatun), while Skadi liked to live in the mountains. Skadi left Njörd before she married Ull.
Njörd was the god of the sea. He was the patron god of sailors and fishermen. He was also a god of good fortune, whom seafarers and fishermen prayed to when they set out to sea, because he was the one who would moderate the wind and sea. Njörd might also be the god of hunting.
According to Vafthrudnismal (Lay of Vafthrudnir), Njörd would return to Vanaheim when the gods fight at Ragnarok. Whether Njörd survived or not, it's not recorded anywhere, but this short passage may imply that he did. It may also imply that the Vanir, who didn't take part in the final battle, and the Vanaheim, may survive too.

By Jimmy Joe