Lacedaemon & Sparta
Lacedaemon (Lacedaimon or Λακεδαίμων) was the son of Zeus and Taygete, daughter of Atlas and Pleione. It was Lacedaemon who founded the city of Sparta, which was named after his wife, Sparta (Σπάρτα). The city Sparta was often called Lacedaemon as well, and the two names were often used interchangeably.
His mother Taygete was one of the nymphs known as the Pleiades. She was named after the Mount Taygetus found in the west of Sparta.
Sparta was the daughter of the Laconian king Eurotas. Sparta became the mother of a son named Amyclas and a daughter named Eurydice who married Acrisius, the king of Argos. Eurydice became the mother of Danae and grandmother of the hero Perseus.
Apart from founding and naming the city after himself and his wife, and their relationships with their parents and children, not much is known about Lacedaemon and Sparta.

By Jimmy Joe