According to Apollodorus, Lelex (Λέδεξ) was the autochthonous ancestor of the Spartans. Lelex was the earliest ruler of Laconia, which was at first called Lelegia. Lelex was also the eponym of the Leleges or Lelegians. Lelegians were one of the early groups of people to inhabit Greece, like the Pelasgians.
His parents were unknown, but he had several sons. Myles was his successor, while Polycaon became the king of Messenia. He had another son named Eurotas, by the naiad Cleocharia. On the other hand, Eurotas was sometimes known as Lelex's grandson.
However, there was probably another person named Lelex who was also the eponym of the Leleges. According to the geographer Pausanias, the second Lelex was the king of Megara and the son of Poseidon and Libya. Lelex came to Megara from Egypt. The Megarian Lelex was the father of Cleson.
The two Lelexs were probably unrelated. The Lelegians were mostly descendants of the Megarian Lelex.

By Jimmy Joe