Sparta was founded by Lacedaemon and named after his wife, Sparta. Sparta was often called Lacedaemon. The city located on the river of Eurotas. They had a son named Amyclas, who ruled after Lacedaemon.
Amyclas founded a small neighbouring city, which named after himself as Amyclae. Amyclae was the centre of the cult and festival of Hyacinthus, who was Amyclas' son. Amyclas was the father of Argalus, Cynortas, Hyacinthus and Leaneira. Argalus ruled after his father, then Cynortas.
Cynortas was the father of Oebalus, who succeeded him to the Spartan throne. Oebalus married Gorgophone, daughter of Perseus and Andromeda. Gorgophone was at first married to Perieres, king of Messenia and the son of Aeolus and Enarete. Oebalus became the father of Tyndareus, Icarius and Arene. Oebalus was also the father of Hippocoon, by the naiad Bateia.
Some said that Perieres was the son of Cynortas and was the father of Tyndareus, Icarius, Arene, Aphareus and Leucippus. But this is rather confusing, and it makes his son and daughter, Aphareus and Arene, married to each other.
Tyndareus was Sparta's most famous king in Greek mythology. Tyndareus lost his throne to his (half-)brother Hippocoön. Tyndareus regained the throne when Heracles defeated Hippocoön in a war.
Tyndareus was the husband of Leda, daughter of Thestius. She bore some of her children to Tyndareus - Castor(?), Clytemnestra and Timandra. The other children, Polydeuces and Helen, belonged to Zeus. When his sons, Castor and Polydeuces (Dioscuri), were killed, his son-in-law named Menelaüs succeeded him to the throne.
You will find more information about Sparta on the page titled House of Sparta.
See House of Sparta for the family tree.
Related Information
Sparta, Σπάρτα (Doric), Σπάρτη (Attic);
Lacedaemon, Λακεδαιμων.
The following rulers ruled the region of Laconia: Lelex, Myles, Eurotas.
Lacedaemon (Sparta), Amyclae, Cynortas, Oebalus, Tyndareüs, Hippocoön, Menelaüs, Orestes, Tisamenus; Procles and Eurysthenes (co-rulers and Heraclids).

By Jimmy Joe