Aphareus was the son of Perieres and Gorgophone, the daughter of Perseus. Aphareus was the brother of Leucippus.
Aphareus married his cousin Arene (or should I say stepsister since they both had the same mother), and named the new city after his wife. She bore him the Messenian heroes Idas and Lynceus.
When his cousin Pelias exiled Neleus from Iolcus (Thessaly), Aphareus gave Neleus land on the coast and the city of Pylus to rule. When the Dioscuri killed his sons, Aphareus had no son to succeed him. Aphareus gave his kingdom to his nephew Neleus.
Related Information
Aphareus, Ἁφαρεος.
Arene, Ἁρηνη.
Related Articles
Perieres, Idas & Lynceus, Neleus.
Genealogy: House of Messenia (Aeolids)

By Jimmy Joe