Aeolus (Αἴολος) became a ruler in Thessaly after his father. Aeolus married Enarete (Ἐναρετη), daughter of Deïmacus (Deimacus), who bore him sons who became powerful rulers: Cretheus, king of Iolcus; Athamas, king of Orchomenus, in Boeotia; Sisyphus, king of Ephyra (Corinth); Salmoneus, king of Salmonia, in Elis; and Perieres, king of Messenia.
His other son, Deion (Δηιών), became king of Phocis. He was married to Diomede and was the father of Actor (Ἄκτωρ), Aenetus, Asteropeia, Cephalus and Phylacus. Actor succeeded his father to the throne of Phocis after him.
Aeolus' daughter Calyce bore Endymion (Ἐνδυμίων) to her husband Aëthlius (Aethlius), son of Zeus or Aeolus and Protogeneia, daughter of Deucalion. Aeolus' daughter Canace (Κανακε) committed suicide, after learning she had committed incest with her brother Macareus. Macareus also committed suicide.
Aeolus was also the lover of Hippo, daughter of the Centaur Cheiron (Χείρων). Aeolus was the father of Melanippe (Arne). Aeolus was killed by Melanippe's sons, in revenge for their mother's ill-treatment. See Melanippe.

By Jimmy Joe