Aetolus' reign in Elis was also short. Aetolus (Αἰτωλός) participated in the funeral games of Azan. In a chariot race, Aetolus accidentally ran over and trampled Apis, possibly the king of Argos. Either Aetolus fled from Elis, or he was banished for the accidental death. Whichever the case was, Aetolus migrated to the land of the Curetes, where he founded a kingdom. Aetolus' nephew Eleius became king of Elis.
The sons of the god Apollo and Phthia ruled the Curetes. They were named Dorus, Laodocus and Polypoetes. In the war against the Curetes, Aetolus killed the three brothers, and conquered mostly the coastal regions. His kingdom was named after him: Aetolia.
Aetolus married his niece's daughter, Pronoe, the daughter of Phorbas and Hyrmina (Epeius' daughter). Aetolus became the father of two sons: Calydon (Καλδών) and Pleuron (Πλευρών).
At his death, his two sons founded separate kingdoms; each city was named after each brother. Calydon married Aeolia (Αἰολία) and had a daughter named Epicasta, who married her cousin, Agenor (Ἀγήνωρ), the son of Pleuron and Xanthippe.
Agenor and Epicasta had a daughter named Demonice, who became the mother of three sons by the war god Ares: Thestius, Pylus and Evenus. Agenor was also the father of two sons: Hippodamus and Porthaon (Πορθάων).
Porthaon became king of Calydon and married Euryte, the daughter of Hippodamas, the son of the river god Achelous. Porthaon was the father of several sons: Oeneus, Agrius, Melas, Alcathous and Hipponous.
At Porthaon's death, his eldest son Oeneus became the king of Calydon.
Related Information
Aetolus, Αἰτωλός.
Library was written by Apollodorus.
Description of Greece was written by Pausanias.
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Endymion, Epeius, Eleius, Oeneus.
House of Elis.
House of Calydon.

By Jimmy Joe