Epeius and Eleius
Epeius (Ἐπειός) was the son of Endymion, and the brother of Aetolus and Paeon. Epeius also had a sister named Eurycyda. When Endymion abdicated as king, the kingship of Elis was decided on by a footrace. The winner would become king. Epeius won the race, and was crowned.
The people of Elis became known as the Epeians. Epeius married Anaxiroe, the daughter of Coronus. Epeius was the father of a daughter named Hyrmina, who married Phorbas, a Lapith chieftain who migrated to the city of Olenia, in Elis.
Epeius' reign was short, and he died young without a son. Epeius' brother Aetolus succeeded him.
Aetolus' reign in Elis was also short. Aetolus participated in the funeral games of Azan. In the chariot race, Aetolus accidentally ran over and trampled Apis, possibly the king of Argos. Either Aetolus fled from Elis, or he was banished for the accidental death. Whichever was the case, Aetolus migrated to the land of the Curetes, where he founded a kingdom. His kingdom was named after him: Aetolia. See Aetolus in the House of Calydon for more detail.
The sea god Poseidon seduced Epeius' sister, Eurycyda. Eurycyda became the mother of Eleius (Ἐλεις). When Aetolus migrated to the land of the Curetes (Aetolia), the young Eleius became the king of Elis.
The region and city of Elis were named after him. The people were formerly known as the Epeians, after his uncle, but they were now called the Eleians.
Eleius ruled for some time before he died, and was succeeded by Augeias, the son of the Lapith Phorbas and Hyrmina, the daughter of Epeius.

By Jimmy Joe