A region east of the river Acheloüs. The region was named after Aetolus.
Aetolus was the son of Endymion, king of Elis. His brother Epeius succeeded to the throne in Elis first, by winning a foot race. However, Epeius died young and was childless, leaving Aetolus to rule over Elis for a short time. Aetolus lost the throne when he killed Apis in a chariot race during funeral games.
Aetolus fled to the land of the Curetes, the warlike tribes in Aetolia. Aetolus established a kingdom and named the region after himself. Aetolus married Pronoe and became the father of two sons, Calydon and Pleuron. Aetolus' two sons were the founders of two prominent Aetolian cities in Greek mythology:
Calydon was the more dominant city in Aetolia.
Related Information
Aetolia, Αετολία.

By Jimmy Joe