Calydon was a southern city of Aetolia founded by Calydon, son of Aetolus and brother of Pleuron.
Not much was known about Calydon except that he married Aeolia, daughter of Amythaon and sister of Melampus and Bias. Calydon became the father of Epicasta, who married his nephew Agenor, son of Pleuron and Xanthippe.
Calydon's most famous king was Oeneus (Oineus). Oeneus was the son of Porthaon and Euryte, and the great-grandson of Calydon. Oeneus married Althaea, daughter of Thestius. Oeneus became the father of Toxenus and the hero Meleager(?), as well as two daughters – Gorge and Deïaneira, who was the last wife of Heracles. Later, Oeneus also married his niece Periboea, daughter of Hipponous of Olenus. Oeneus became the father of Olenias and another hero, Tydeus.
When Oeneus forgot to sacrifice to Artemis, the goddess punished the king by sending a giant boar to ravage the countryside, destroying crops and killing farmers and travellers. It became the scene of the famous Calydonian Boar Hunt (see Atalanta for the story of the Calydonian Boar Hunt).
Oeneus lost the throne to his brother Agrius. Without his sons to protect him, Oeneus's nephews forced him off the throne. Meleager was dead after the Calydonian Boar Hunt, and his other son Tydeus was exiled to Argos for killing one of his relatives (brother or uncle). Oeneus only regained his kingdom by his grandson Diomedes, the son of Tydeus, when the hero killed Agrius (?) and his sons.
Oeneus was well known for receiving guests and suppliants. Among them were Bellerophon, Heracles, Tyndareus, Agamemnon and Menelaus.

By Jimmy Joe