House of Calydon (Aeolids 3)
Houses of Aetolia

Aetolia was formerly populated by the people known as the Curetes, the original inhabitants of this region. The three sons of Apollo and the nymph Phthia were named Laodocus, Polypoetes and Dorus. They were the leaders of the Curetes. They were killed by Aetolus, an Aeolid, who migrated from Elis. It is Aetolus who established the dynasty of two kingdoms, Pleuron and Calydon.
Oeneus was the best-known king to rule Calydon. Oeneus had two wives, Althaea and Periboea, Both of his wives were actually his nieces. Some authors said that the hero Meleager was the son of Oeneus and Althaea, while others said that the Greek war god Ares was the real father of Meleager.
According to the Fabulae, Hyginus' list of Argonauts included Ancaeus, the son of Neptune (Poseidon) and Althaea. (Sorry, I couldn't fit Ancaeus in the family tree. Besides, Hyginus was the only author to mention this son of Althaea).
Similarly, there was uncertainty about who Deianeira's father was. I put her as the daughter of Oeneus, because most authors said that she was, but Apollodorus did mention that her father was actually Dionysus, the god of wine.
The next family tree lists all the children of Thestius. See the Children of Thestius.
Children of Thestius

Thestius was the son of Ares and Demonice, or of Agenor and Epicasta. I tend to favour the former as the parents of Thestius. Thestius was only famous because of his children and grandchildren. Thestius was the king of Pleuron in Aetolia. Thestius succeeded his great-grandfather Pleuron, the founder of this kingdom (Pleuron).
Though he had three daughters, two of them were famous: Leda and Althaea, while his third daughter Hypermnestra was the mother of the famous Argive warrior-seer, Amphiaraüs.
As for the sons of Thestius, their names and number varied, depending on the sources you may read. I relied on Apollodorus' Library to gain their names: Thestius had four sons: Iphiclus (Iphiclos), Evippus (Evippos), Plexippus (Plexippos) and Euryplus (Euryplos). Iphiclus was mentioned as one of the Argonauts in Apollonius' Argonautica, as well as in Apollodorus' Library and in Hyginus' Fabulae, who accompanied his nephew Meleager in the Quest. Hyginus said that Iphiclus' mother was Leucippe.
According to the Metamorphoses however, Ovid only listed Plexippus and Toxenus, whom Meleager had killed after the Calydonian Boar Hunt, as the sons of Thestius. Apollodorus mentioned Iphiclus, who joined the hunt, during which sons of Thestius were killed.
I have only shown Thestius' children and grandchildren in this tree. For a fuller view of the descendants of Thestius, you will have to go to different family trees: Calydon (this page), Sparta and Argos.