Houses of Thebes & Crete
The following two family trees show the two powerful houses of the two kingdoms of Thebes and Crete. Like the Houses of Argolis, they were descendants of the river god Inachus and his daughter Io, and these descendants were known as Inachids, but Thebes (Cadmus) and Crete (Europa) also belonged to the Agenorid line (descendants of Agenor), as opposed to the Belid line in Argos.
Agenor was the king of Sidon (or Tyre in other myths), in Phoenicia.
House of Minos (Crete)

See Minoan Crete, for the myths about Europa and Minos.
There are several names not listed here, because I couldn't fit them here.
Androgeus, son of Minos, had two sons while living on the island of Paros – Alcaius and Sthenelus. Alcaius and Sthenelus joined Heracles in his Amazon adventure of fetching the Girdle of Hippolyte (9th Labour).
Also on the island of Paros, Minos had other sons: Eurymedon, Chryses, Nephalion and Philolaus. They were killed by Heracles, because they had killed two of Heracles' crew.
House of Thebes

Another family tree that you may be interested in, is the House of Seers. Though this genealogy contains mostly the seers from Argos, who were descendants of Melampus, Teiresias had a daughter named Manto who was the mother of two seers, Amphilochus and Mopsus, who were both his grandsons. While Amphilochus was also a descendant of Melampus. Teiresias himself was descended from Udaeüs, one of the Sparti ("Sowed-men").
See the House of Thebes, about Cadmus and his descendants.

By Jimmy Joe