Ninth Labour (Hippolyte's Girdle)
The ninth labour required Heracles to go to the land of the Amazons to fetch Hippolyte's belt for Eurystheus' daughter, Admeta or Admete. Heracles either went there alone or with the heroes Theseus and Telamon (Τελαμών).
The Amazon queen named Hippolyte (Ἱππολύτη) ruled in the city of Themiscyra on the mouth of the River Thermodon. The belt belonged to Ares, and symbolised the power of leadership.
The Queen warmly received Heracles, but Hera stirred up the Amazons against Heracles. Disguised as an Amazon warrior, Hera spread rumours that Heracles had come to abduct their queen. The Amazons armed themselves and attacked Heracles' ship. Thinking that Hippolyte was secretly plotting against him, Heracles killed the queen and took her belt.
According to some writings, Antiope (Melanippe), the sister of Hippolyte, fell in love with Theseus. Antiope betrayed the Amazons and the city of Themiscyra. Antiope helped Heracles and his followers to fight his way out of the Amazon country. Others say that Theseus abducted Antiope.
According to another, different version by Apollonius, Heracles killed no one in this venture. Instead, Heracles ambushed and captured Melanippe (Antiope) sister of Hippolyte. Heracles only released Melanippe when Hippolyte paid Heracles a ransom – her girdle.
On his return home, he found a Trojan princess, Hesione, about to be sacrificed to a sea monster sent by Poseidon and Apollo. Heracles agreed to save Laomedon's daughter in return for the king's immortal horses or the gold vine as his reward. But after killing the monster, Laomedon refused to pay. Again, Heracles vowed vengeance upon another king. He would return later with an army to destroy Laomedon. See Heracles' war upon Troy.
According to Diodorus Siculus, Heracles rescued Hesione on his journey towards Colchis, with Jason and the Argonauts. See Argonauts, Diodorus' Version.
As he continued his journey home, Polygonus & Telegonus, the two sons of Proteus, challenged Heracles to a wrestling match. Heracles killed the two brothers.

By Jimmy Joe