There is some confusion over the name of the Amazon who became the wife of the Athenian hero Theseus, and the mother of Hippolytus. Some called her Hippolyta or Hippolyte (Ἱππολύτη), the same name as the Amazon queen who had owned the girdle, the cause of Heracles' labour, in which she was killed at Heracles' hand. Others said that her name was Antiope (Ἀντιόπη). Two other names were also associated with Theseus' Amazon wife: Melanippe (Μελανίππη) and Glauce (Γλαύκη). To avoid confusion, I would say that her name was Antiope, who was the sister of Hippolyte; Hippolyte was the one who was killed by Heracles over the girdle.
There are a number of versions that explained why Antiope lived in Athens with Theseus. Some said that Theseus went into the Amazon country with Heracles, while others said that the hero went alone or at least with his Lapith friend, Peirithous. Then there are the various versions which said that she was either abducted by Theseus, or that Antiope had fallen in love with the hero and betrayed her people.
When Antiope was living in Athens with Theseus as his wife, she gave birth to Hippolytus. Theseus sent their son to his mother Aethra and grandfather Pittheus, who were living in Troezen. Troezen was the birthplace of Theseus and the scene of Euripides' tragedy, titled Hippolytus.
Related Information
Antiope, Ἀντιόπη; Hippolyta, Hippolyte, Ἱππολύτη; Glauce, Γλαύκη.
Melanippe, Μελανίππη – "Black Mare".
Parallel Lives on Theseus was written by Plutarch.
Metamorphoses was written by Ovid.
Library and the Epitome were written by Apollodorus.
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By Jimmy Joe