A Libyan Amazon queen. Nothing is known about Myrina, except in the account of Diodorus Siculus' Library of History (1st century BC). Her capital was in the city of Cherronesus, in Libya. According to Diodorus, Myrina lived in the time before Perseus. More information about the Amazons in Libya can be found in the Background section titled Amazons in Libya.
Myrina led a large army of Amazons with a strength of 30,000 foot-soldiers and 3,000 cavalry, first in the war against their neighbour, the Atlantians, and then later against the Gorgons, another race of women warriors.
The Atlantians surrendered to Myrina after she captured one of their cities, called Cernê. The Amazons razed Cernê, enslaving the women and the children. The Atlantians in the other cities were cowed by the destruction of Cernê and capitulated.
The Amazons and the Atlantians became peaceful neighbours. However, the Atlantians lived beside another race of women warriors known as the Gorgons, who repeatedly raided their western borders.
Diodorus didn't portray the Gorgons as monsters who could turn any living creature into stone, just by looking into their faces. No. The Gorgons were like the Amazons in many ways. The Gorgons were warriors who displayed manly prowess in war.
The Atlantians asked the Amazons for help against the Gorgons. So a deadly battle was fought between two different races of women warriors. In the end, Myrina and the Amazons emerged as victors against the Gorgons. The surviving Gorgons fled back to their land.
The Amazons captured over 3,000 Gorgon warriors as prisoners. Myrina attempted to pursue and destroy the surviving Gorgons in their own land but failed. So she returned home with the Gorgon captives.
The guards became lax in their duties, so the captive Gorgons managed to arm themselves, killing many Amazons. However, the Amazons managed to put down the rebellion and kill every last captive. Large pyres were erected and tombs built for their fallen comrades, which were called the "Amazon Mounds".
Myrina was said to have conquered most of Libya. When she reached Egypt, she befriended Horus, the son of Isis and the king of Egypt (Diodorus sees Horus as a king, not a god). She was said to have slaughtered the Arabs and subdued the Syrians. Her Amazon forces entered into Asia Minor (Anatolia). The Cilicians kept their independence and freedom, because they were willing to accept her rule.
Much of Asia Minor came under her rule. She also captured the island of Lesbos, where she founded the city of Mitylene, which was named after her sister.
Myrina was caught in a storm at sea. She prayed for safety from the Mother of the Gods (Cybele), who guided her ship to a deserted island. Before Myrina left the island, the queen named the island Samothrace.
Myrina fought her last battle against the Thracians under Mopsus and the Scythians under Sipylus. These two leaders were exiled from their respective homelands. It was not said where this battle was fought, except that it was most likely in one of Myrina's conquered territories. Myrina and a great number of her forces were slain in battle. Losing a series of battles to Mopsus, the Amazons finally returned home.
Related Information
Library of History was written by Diodorus Siculus.
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By Jimmy Joe