An Amazon warrior. Melanippe (Μελανίππη) was probably the same person as Antiope, sister of Hippolyte. She was also sometimes known as Glauce.
According to Apollonius, Melanippe was the sister of the Amazon Queen Hippolyte, who ruled during the time of the 9th labour of Heracles, fetching the girdle of Hippolyte. According to a fragment attributed to Hesiod, Telamon killed Melanippe in the fighting.
In other versions, Heracles killed Hippolyte when the Amazons attacked the hero's men. But in Apollonius, there was no fighting between Heracles and the Amazons, and Hippolyte was unharmed. In that account, Heracles captured Melanippe, and would only release her as a ransom for Hippolyte's girdle.

By Jimmy Joe