A Thracian heroine. Harpalyce was a daughter of Harpalycus, king of the Amymnei. Her mother, unnamed in this myth, died while giving birth to her. So her father raised her, having her nursed from the teats of cows and horses. According to Virgil, she could run faster than the East Wind. She grew strong, and her father trained her in hunting and combat so that she was strong enough to rule in his place, should he die. But she never got the chance to rule her father's people.
Neoptolemus wounded her father as he travelled home, overland, from Troy. From her training, Harpalyce managed to save her father and drive off Neoptolemus and the Myrimidons, possibly single-handedly. This is incredible, considering that Neoptolemus was the son of Achilles, and a formidable warrior.
Not long after that there were rebellions among her father's subjects, and he was killed. So Harpalyce was banished and forced to live in the forest in Thrace where she would raid and plunder from herds of cattle. After a while she was killed by herdsmen.
Related Information
Fabulae was written by Hyginus.
The Aeneid was written by Virgil.
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By Jimmy Joe