Camilla was the queen of the Volscians. Camilla was the daughter of Metabus and Casmilla. Camilla was the leader of the Voliscans in the Italian war against the hero Aeneas and the Trojans.
It is not known whether Casmilla died during childbirth or not, when Camilla was born, but it was her father Metabus who raised her. Metabus was king of Privernum, but he was banished from his kingdom. As he was chased out of his kingdom, Metabus dedicated his daughter to the goddess Diana (Artemis). When Camilla was an infant, her father had her nursed from mare's milk, which probably accounted for her swiftness as a horse.
As a warrior, Camilla was a follower of Diana (Artemis), the goddess of the chase. Camilla was skilled with the bow and spear, which her father had taught her as soon as she could walk. Camilla was not an Amazon, but she had the same spirit as the Amazons, for she was fearless and skilled in battle. Virgil did compare her likeness to an Amazon warrior from Thrace; she was compared to Hippolyte and Penthesileia.
When war broke out between the exiled Trojans and the Latins, Camilla became the ally of Turnus, the leader of the Rutulians. Before her death, she killed a number of Trojans and Etruscans using her spear, bow and arrows, and axe with great skill (Aeneid XI:664-915).
A Ligurian named Arruns killed Camilla in an ambush with a spear transfixed to her chest, but the goddess Diana had earlier sent Opis, who was either a minor goddess or one of her nymphs, to avenge Camilla's death. Arruns didn't stay to finish Camilla off, but fled. Opis fired an arrow that killed Arruns. See the Aeneid.
Personally, I don't think that Camilla was an Amazon. Be that as it may, she was a warrior queen and deserves a place on this page.
Related Information
Camilla, Camille.
The Aeneid was written by Virgil.
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By Jimmy Joe