Thebes was a city of south east of Boeotia. It was founded by its first king, Cadmus, descendant of Io and brother of Europa. Thebes was originally called Cadmeia. Later, Cadmeia was the name of the citadel, while the entire city was renamed Thebes after Thebe, wife of Amphion. Amphion and Zethus (twin brothers) were the builders of Thebes' walls and its famous seven gates.
Another of its famous kings was Oedipus, who was in the centre of one of the greatest Greek tragedies (Oedipus Rex). It was also the setting of the famous war against Argos (see Seven Against Thebes).
For more details about the history of Thebes, read the House of Thebes. See also the House of Thebes for their family tree.
Related Information
Cadmeia (later, a citadel);
Thebes, Θῆβαι.
Cadmus, Pentheus, Polydorus, Nycteus (regent), Labdacus, Lycus, Amphion and Zethus (co-rulers), Laïus, Creon, Oedipus, Creon (regent), Eteocles, Creon (regent again), Laodamas, Thersander, Peneleüs (regent), Tisamenus, Autesion.

By Jimmy Joe