Early House of Argos
House of Inachus

The genealogy displayed above shows the common ancestry of the Houses of Argos, Thebes and Crete, as it can be seen by the three different colours (eg. Argos is cyan and green, Thebes/Crete in yellow). The cyan colour indicates the line of Phoroneus and Argus, whereas the green indicates the Io descendants through the Belid line (descendants of Belus, king of Egypt).
Inachus, the river god of Argolis, was the root of the family tree. He was said to be the first inhabitant of the region. His descendants in Argos, Crete and Thebes were all known as the Inachids.
Most writers said that Io was the daughter of Inachus, which is what I have shown here. But some sources indicated that she was the daughter of either Iasus (like Apollodorus and Pausanias) or Perias (like Hesiod).
Early House of Argos
Below are two possible family trees of Argus' descendants.
Both trees found below are different from the previous one. Where Io was the daughter of the river god Inachus in the previous family tree, these two below show that Io was the daughter of Iasus. Iasus was either the son of Argus or of Triopas, depending on which sources you are reading.
I relied on two different sources to construct the family trees below: Apollodorus and Pausanias. One of them was a mythographer, the other was a geographer.
Apollodorus' Text

Pausanias' Text

By Jimmy Joe