Endymion was the son of Aëthlius (Aethlius) and Calyce. Endymion became king after his father's death. Endymion was the father of Aetolus, Epeius and Paeon by an unnamed wife. Endymion was known for his great beauty.
The popular story is that Endymion was sleeping in a field attending his father's flock of sheep when Selene, the goddess of the moon, saw him and fell in love. They became lovers, and it was said that he fathered fifty daughters.
Zeus granted Endymion the fate of remaining mortal or becoming forever young. Endymion chose eternal youth. But there was a price for his choice. To remain young, Endymion would have to sleep for all eternity.
So before Endymion entered his eternal slumber, he held a foot race in which one of his sons would become king of Elis. Epeius won the race and became king.
Endymion then abdicated and went into his eternal retreat, and Selene often visited him in his sleep.
However, according to a different source (Great Eoiae), Endymion had a different fate. Zeus took Enydmion to Olympus to live with the gods. Endymion saw and fell in love with Hera, Zeus' wife and consort.
Endymion was determined to seduce or rape the goddess. Zeus discovered the impetuous mortal's plan. Endymion thought he was making love to Hera, when he was actually having sex with a phantom, made out of a cloud.
Catching Endymion in the act, Zeus then cast Endymion out of Olympus, and into Hades.
This story is similar to the one about Ixion, sleeping with a cloud in the shape of Hera. See Ixion in the Wrath of Heaven.

By Jimmy Joe