Nott or Night was the goddess of night. Nott was the daughter of a giant named Norfi or Narfi, but two Eddaic poems called Nott's father, Norr.
Nott had three husbands, and had a child with each of her husbands. Her first husband was a giant called Naglfari, and they had a son named Aud.
Her second husband was named Annar (Onar), who was probably also a giant, and they had a daughter named Jörd (Earth), the mother of Thor.
Her last husband belonged to the Aesir and he was named Delling. Their son was named Day (Dag), god of day.
When the Aesir created the world, Odin gave a chariot to her and another chariot to her son Day. They travelled the sky, following one another, as day follows night. Her horse was called Hrimfaxi, "Frost-mane", which caused dew from the horse's bit. Her son's horse was called Skinfaxi, which means "Shining-mane", because the mane was so radiant that it brought light to the world.
I am not sure if Nott was an Asynia or not, so I have placed her here.

By Jimmy Joe