Fafnir was the son of Hreidmar and brother of Otter and Regin. Once Hreidmar received the ransom (Andvari's treassure) from Loki, greed set in, in the entire family. Fafnir killed his father and drove Regin off, keeping the whole treasure for himself.
Fafnir' greed was so great that he was transformed into a great dragon, sometimes known as the Worm. He guarded the treasure of Andvari until Sigurd killed him with the sword Gram, which was reforged by Fafnir's brother Regin, who was a smith and foster father of Sigurd. By eating a dragon's heart, Sigurd gained strength and power over any man or woman, as well as understanding the language of the birds. From the birds Sigurd learned that Regin intend to kill him. Sigurd killed Regin and took the treasure and the cursed ring from Fafnir.
In the Norwegian epic, Thiðrekssaga, Fafnir did not appear at all. In this account, the dragon was named Regin, and the smith who reared Sigurd was named Mimir. Like the Icelandic version, Sigurd killed the dragon, and then the smith. See Regin.

By Jimmy Joe