Otter was the son of Hreidmar and brother of Fafnir and Regin.
Otter had the ability to transform himself into an otter. Loki, seeing how beautiful the hide was, killed and skinned Otter. Loki wrapped the Otter's hide over his shoulders. When Odin, Hoenir and Loki came to Hreidmar's house, Hreidmar immediately realised that Loki had killed his son. Hreidmar bound the three gods.
Hreidmar told them that he would only release the two other gods, if Loki could pay a ransom for the gods' freedom. Loki stole the treasure from a dwarf named Andvari. When Hreidmar saw the treasure, his greed made him forget about the grief over the loss of his son. Fafnir killed his father and seized the treasure for himself.

By Jimmy Joe