Cephallenia was a large island in the Ionian Sea, off the coast of Acarnania. It was named after Cephalus, son of Deïon, king of Phocis, and Diomede. Cephalus received the island after helping Amphitryon in the war against the Taphian pirates.
Cephallenia was the neighbour of a smaller island named Ithaca, ruled by his grandson Laërtes and his great-grandson Odysseus. During the war against Troy, Ithaca became the more dominant island of the two. Odysseus took twelve ships from Ithaca and Cephallenia.
During the last three years of Odysseus' absence, many of Penelope's suitors came from nobles in Cephallenia.
Related Information
Cephallenia, Κεφαλληνία.
Cephalus, Arceisius(?), Laërtes, Odysseus.

By Jimmy Joe