Brokk & Eiti
Brokk and Eiti (Sindri) were dwarf brothers. They were master craftsmen who created the Gullinbursti ("golden bristles") for Freyr, the Draupnir (Ring of Power) for Odin and Mjollnir (magic war hammer) for Thor.
Bokk and Eiti were jealous of the craftsmanship of the sons of Ivaldi. Loki made a wager with Brokk and Eiti that they could not make anything better than the sons of Ivaldi. The bet was that Loki would lose his head if Brokk and Eiti made something better.
The Aesir were very pleased with the gifts from Brokk and Eiti. Loki lost his bet against the dwarfs. Although the gods refused to allow the dwarfs to take Loki's head, the gods did agree to allow Brokk to sew Loki's mouth shut. When Loki tried to escape, Thor brought the terrified Trickster back, while Brokk sealed Loki's lips with wire.
See Gifts of the Dwarves for full story.
Related Information
Brokk , Brokkr – "trotter?".
Eiti, Eitri – "poisonous".
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By Jimmy Joe