Enide (Enid)
Enide was the beautiful wife of the hero Erec or Gereint in Welsh and English literature. She was known as Enid in the Welsh legend. Enide was the niece of the count of Laluth.
The French writer Chretien de Troyes compared her beauty with Isolde de Blonde, whom he said Enide surpassed.
Enide was one of the most typical "damsels in distress"; often finding herself in trouble because of her beauty. Villains lusting after her would abduct her and try to marry or rape her. Her lover - in this case, her husband - inspired by his love for her, would come to her rescue, performing great heroic deeds for her sake.
Erec won her hand in marriage when he challenged and defeated the Knight of the Kestrel, also known as Yder, son of Nut.
Enide became distressed when she heard her father-in-law's subjects blaming her for Erec's lack of participation in heroic deeds, such as hunting, tournaments and warfare. Erec was spending so much time with her that the people were saying that she had bewitched him.
When Erec heard this from his wife, the hero misunderstood her concerns and thought that she had low esteem for his prowess and his skills as a knight. Erec set out on a journey with Enide through the forest, beset with bandits, giants and lecherous counts. The purpose of making this journey was to test Enide's love for him.
Count Oringle of Limors prevented Enide from committing suicide, when she thought her husband had died, after he had returned from killing two giants. However, Oringle had his own agenda for saving Enide. Oringle lusted after the distraught wife of Erec. Oringle tried to force her to marry him, until Erec regained consciousness and killed the lecherous count.
The whole adventure put considerable stress and anxiety on Enide, who regretted telling her husband the truth. Enide was really blameless, for she was concerned about what other people were saying about her and Erec.
In the end, Enide proved her love and loyalty to Erec, and Erec apologised to Enide for putting her through the taxing ordeals, while he proved that he had lost none of his prowess as he defeated enemy after enemy.
See Erec and Enide for the full story of Enide's adventure with Erec.
Related Information
Enide (French).
Enid (Welsh).
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By Jimmy Joe