An Eithopian prince. Memnon (Μέμνων) was the son of Tithonus and Eos, goddess of Dawn. Memnon was cousin to Hector and Paris, since Tithonus was the brother of Priam.
Memnon brought his army as reinforcements for Troy and achieved short successes on the battlefield against the Greeks. He had arrived some time after the death of the Amazon Queen, Penthesileia.
Memnon drove the Greeks back from Troy's walls, and during the retreat of the Greek army, the chariot of Nestor crashed. Antioclus, Nestor's young son, came to his assistance, but Memnon easily killed Antioclus. Nestor wanted to avenge his son's death, but Memnon refused to fight an old man.
Achilles, still mourning over the death of his friend Patroclus, now lamented over Antioclus' death when Nestor asked the hero to fight against Memnon. Memnon had a golden helmet, armour and a shield made by Hephaestus, just like Achilles' armour, helmet and shield. But his armour and shield did little to protect Memnon.
Memnon's death was followed by that of Achilles on that same day.

By Jimmy Joe