A Centaur. Eurytion or Eurytus was one of the Centaurs involved in disrupting and fighting the Lapiths, at the wedding of Peirithous and Hippodameia. There were fighting for the land in Thessaly, particularly over the valley of the Peneius River.
An uneasy peace between the Lapiths and Centaurs existed before this wedding. The Centaurs shared the same ancestors with the Lapiths. According to Diodorus Siculus, Lapithus and Centaurus were brothers. But according to other sources, it was Peirithous who was a half-brother of the Centaurs, and Ixion, king of the Lapiths, was their father.
Being kin, Peirithous invited the Centaurs to the wedding. Peirithous also invited several other prominent figures, including Theseus, Peirithous' best friend; Peleus; and young Nestor.
According to Ovid, it was the Centaur Eurytion who originally disrupted the wedding; he led other drunken Centaurs to abduct Hippodameia, the Lapith king's bride, and other Lapith women. Fighting ensued. Theseus, Peleus and Nestor aided the king, and Caeneus, a Lapith chieftain, killed many Centaurs, before the Centaurs killed Caeneus. Eventually, the Lapiths drove out the Centaurs from the city and out of their kingdom. Many fled to Arcadia, including Eurytion. Nessus fled to Aetolia.
Related Information
Eurytion, Eurytus, Εἐρυτέων.
Library was written by Apollodorus.
Metamorphoses was written by Ovid.
Description of Greece was written by Pausanias.
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By Jimmy Joe