Cheiron (Χείρων) was the most famous Centaur. Not only was Cheiron immortal, but he was one of the wisest beings on earth. Cheiron was the son of the Titan Cronus and Philyra, who was the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.
Cronus had raped Philyra while he was in the form of a stallion. When she gave birth to the Centaur, she was so ashamed that the gods took pity on her and transformed her into a linden tree.
Cheiron married Chariclo and they had several daughters – Endeis, Ocyrrhoe (Menalippe) and Theia. Endeis married Aeacus, king of Aegina. This would make Peleus his grandson, while Achilles would be his great-grandson.
Cheiron befriended many heroes, including Heracles and Peleus. Some heroes were even brought up by the wise Centaur, including Jason and Achilles. Cheiron taught these heroes how to hunt and fight.
Cheiron was also a famous healer who had taught Asclepius, son of Apollo, and later Asclepius' two sons – Machaon and Podalirius, the art of healing. He was also responsible for rearing and educating Aristaeüs, the agricultural god.
He even gave advice or prophecies to Apollo, in regards to the heroine Cyrene, foretelling how a city in Libya would be named after her. So even the god of prophecy listened to the wise Centaur.
His friendship with Heracles brought about his own death. As Heracles fought against the Centaurs during his fourth labour, the hero accidentally wounded his Centaur friend. Heracles' arrows were smeared with the venom of the monster Hydra. Cheiron had to live in great agony from the venom.
Later, during the eleventh labour, Heracles freed the Titan Prometheus from his chain and Cheiron found release from his torment. The gods allowed Cheiron to give up his immortality to Prometheus, to end his agony. The gods probably placed him among the stars, as the constellation of Centaurus.
Related Information
Cheiron, Chiron, Χείρων.
Library was written by Apollodorus.
Metamorphoses was written by Ovid.
Argonautica was written by Apollonius of Rhodes.
Fabulae was written by Hyginus.
Nemean III was written by Pindar.

By Jimmy Joe