The following family trees show both the ancestors and descendants of Míl, founder and eponym of the Milesians, the true Gaelic people of Ireland. The Milesians were the fifth and last Celtic people to invade and settle in Ireland.
These family trees were extracted from the fifth volume of Lebor Gabálá Erenn: The Taking of Ireland (translated and edited by R. A. Stewart Macalister).
Before the time of the sons of Mil arriving in Ireland, much of the ancestry of Míl was mixed with biblical accounts. According to the Irish myths, Míl was a descendant of Japheth, the son of Noah, the hero of the biblical flood.
Fenius Farsaid was a grandson of Magog, son of Japheth, living at the time of the Tower of Babel, while Niul, his son, and Goidel Glas, his grandson, were contemporaries of Abraham and Moses.
House of Míl
Milesian Kingship
This family tree shows a list of kings who were descendants of Míl from two main lines, Eremon and Eber Finn, who were each sons of Míl. The enmity between Eremon and Eber Finn continued generations long after their deaths.
It should be noticed that the Faildergolt, the last generation on Eber's line, was contemporary with Ollam Fodla. For the house of Ollom, see the genealogy of the Early House of Ulster (Ulster Cycle). Ollom was a descendant of Ir, another son of Míl.
Related Page
Genealogy of the Children of Danu.
(includes family trees for the Partholonians-Nemedians, Firbolgs and Tuatha Dé Danann.)

By Jimmy Joe