House of Arthur & Culhwch
The genealogy shown below is a Welsh version of King Arthur's family. The names shown here were found in Welsh tales and poems, mainly in the Mabinogion. However, I also used other sources such as the Black Book of Carmarthen, the Book of Taliesin, and others.
I have used the Welsh names instead of the names we usually associate with the Arthurian legends.
To see other family trees of Arthur, go to House of King Arthur.
According to a number of later Welsh texts, on both lines of Arthur's parents, Arthur was a descendant of two Welsh gods: Llyr and Bran, Llyr's son. I have not seen these texts, but I thought I might mention them any of you are interested in finding out for yourself. These manuscripts are: Bonedd y Arwyr, Mostyn MS 117, and two conflicting genealogies in Bonedd yr Arwr.
There are a few names that I am not certain of.
In the Welsh Triads, Arthur was married to three queens, and all of them were named Gwenhwyfar (Guinevere), but each had a different father. None of the tales in the Mabinogion mentioned who her father was.
Custennin appeared as the shepherd in the tale of Culhwch and Olwen, as Culhwch's uncle. There, he was the father of the hero Goreu. In the Welsh romance Gereint and Enid, Gereint (Erec) was the son of Erbin, who was the son of Custennin. I am not certain if they were the same Custennin, or two different figures with the same name.

By Jimmy Joe