Vertumnus and Pomona
Vertumnus was the Roman god of the garden and the orchard. Vertumnus was probably a god of Etruscan origin, named Voltumna.
His consort named Pomona had similar functions. Pomona was the goddess of the garden and the orchard. The two deities had their festival on the same day, August 13.

Tapestry designed by Edward Burne-Jones
and John Henry Dearle,
1990 Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Ovid tells of how many woodland spirits and gods, including Pan and the satyrs, wooed Pomona because of her great beauty. Pomona would have nothing to with males, mortals or immortals. All she cared about was the orchard and her apples.
Among those who were in love with Pomona was Vertumnus. Vertumnus tried various disguises to be near her and to win her love, such as a labourer, a farmer, a vineyard worker, a soldier, etc.
Finally he turned himself into an old woman and tried to persuade Vertumnus to love him. She refused.
Vertumnus changed back to his normal form, and was going to force himself upon her. It wasn't necessary, since she had fallen in love with him in his true form.

By Jimmy Joe