The Roman goddess of the hearth and the hearth fire. Vesta was identified with Hestia, the Greek goddess of the hearth.
Vesta had public and private functions. In the private household, she was worshipped along with the Penates and the Lares.
In public, her temple was on the Palatine hill in Rome, where they kept the perpetual fire burning throughout the year. The Vestal Virgins were guardians of the hearth and their duties were to maintain the sacred fire. The fire was annually extinguished and renewed on March 1.
Only girls from prominent families could enter the services. The requirements were that the girls were virgins, beginning at the age of 6 and 10, and to serve for at least 30 years. Any Vestal Virgin who broke their chastity during that time would face a death sentence. They normally buried the Virgin alive for a violation of their oath of chastity.
Vesta was seen carrying a lighted torch and a votive bowl. Her festival, the Vestalia, was celebrated between June 7 and 15.

By Jimmy Joe