Duke Naimes
The wisest adviser of Charlemagne. Naimes was listed in another chanson, Pilgrimage of Charlemagne, as one of the Twelve Peers.
In the Chanson de Roland, Naimes supported Ganelon's argument for the peace proposal with Marsile, instead of Roland's argument for continuing the war. As wise as Naimes was, he didn't suspect treachery from Ganelon.
Naimes, along with Count Jozeran, was responsible for organising the divisions of Charlemagne's army.
Later, in the battle against Baligant's army, it was Naimes who arranged the forces. Naimes drove his lance through Malpramis, Baligant's son, but Naimes received a head wound from King Canabeus, a brother of Baligant.
Related Information
Naimes, Neimes, Naimon, Naimun.
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By Jimmy Joe