Queen of Spain. Bramimonde was a wife of Marsile. She was the mother of Jurfaleu the Blond.
In the Chanson de Roland, she praised Ganelon when he agreed to betray his own king and set an ambush to have Roland killed, along with the other Twelve Peers.
Bramimonde grieved when she saw her husband was missing his right hand; which she was told, was taken by Roland.
Bramimonde surrendered the city to Charlemagne when her husband died and Baligant was killed. She was taken as a captive by Charlemagne, who brought her back with him to Aix, Charlemagne's capital in France. Shortly after the trial and execution of Ganelon, she accepted the Christian faith and was baptised. She received a new name, Juliana.
Related Information
Bramimonde, Bramimunde, Bramidonie.
Juliana, Juliane (baptised name).
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By Jimmy Joe