Messina was a Greek city in northeast Sicily. It was originally called Zankle and was founded in 730 BC by colonists from Chalcis.
Its name was given to the strait that separated the toe of Italy from Sicily - the Strait of Messina. As far as I can tell there was no myth about the city itself, so the strait is more least myth-wise.
The Strait of Messina was the location of the journey of Odysseus and Jason on his ship Argo, where they faced two possible perils - the six-headed monster Scylla and the whirlpool Charybdis. Thetis and the Nereid aided the Argonauts to pass safely through the strait. Odysseus lost men to the Scylla, and then days later he lost his last ship and whole crew to Charybdis. Odysseus himself was the sole survivor.
Related Information
Zankle, Ζανκλη;
Messina, Μεσσινα (Greek).
Messana (Latin).

By Jimmy Joe