Antaeüs (Antaeus) was a giant wrestler. Antaeüs was the son of Gaea and Poseidon. Antaeüs was a wicked wrestler in Libya who enjoyed challenging travellers to a wrestling match.
Antaeüs often allowed his opponent throw him to the ground. Antaeüs would always spring up to his feet, stronger than before he was thrown. He would then kill his opponent. Provided that Antaeüs had contact with the ground, Gaea (Earth) would renew his strength. Antaeüs was virtually unbeatable.
As Heracles travelled through Libya, towards the Garden of Hesperides, Antaeüs challenged him to a wrestling match.
Three times Heracles threw Antaeüs upon the ground; three times Antaeüs leaped to his feet, stronger than ever. Heracles realised that Antaeüs' mother was renewing his strength whenever his opponent made contact with the earth.
Heracles killed Antaeüs by lifting the giant off the ground, until his opponent was seriously weakened. Then Heracles just crushed Antaeüs, while holding his opponent off the ground.
Related Information
Antaeüs, Antaeus, Ἀνταἳος.
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By Jimmy Joe