Challenge of the Clans
The story began during the reign of the high king (Ard-Rí) of Ireland named Conn Cétchathach – "Conn of the Hundred Battles". Conn had earned the nickname from the number of battles he had won during his reign. His most powerful enemy was Eógan Mór, the king of Munster, whom Conn defeated twice in battle.
Some time during Conn's reign, he established a military order of elite warriors, known as the Fianna Éireann (Fianna of Ireland). The Fianna was comprised of mainly two dominant clans – the Baiscne and the Morna. Though there were other clans in the Fianna, only these two clans were powerful enough to gain the support of the captaincy of the Fianna. Each clan had a chieftain, but only one of chieftains could be captain of the Fianna.
At the time of Conn's reign, Cumhaill, son of Trenmor, was the Fian captain and chieftain of Clan Baiscne. While Goll Mac Morna was chieftain of Clan Morna.
One of Conn's advisers was the Danann druid and sorcerer Tadg, son of Nuada of the Silver Hand. Tadg had a daughter named Muirenn or Muirne of the White Neck. Since Muirenn was frequently at the court of Conn in Tara, Cumhaill and Muirenn fell in love with one another. Tadg did not want his daughter to marry a mortal and insisted that she return to their world (Otherworld). Despite her father's protests, Muirenn married Cumhaill. A different version said that Cumhaill abducted Muirenn. Ever since that day, Tadg bore a seething hatred for the young Fianna captain. The druid decided to destroy Cumhaill.
Through his machinations, Tadg caused the king to resent Cumhaill. Together they plotted to remove him as captain, and enlisted Goll to challenge Cumhaill for the leadership of the Fianna.
Muirenn was several months pregnant when Cumhaill heard that Goll Mac Morna challenged him for the captaincy of the Fianna. Cumhaill gathered Clan Baiscne to meet the challenge. Muirenn, who was Danann, was uneasy about the crisis, and had a foreboding that she would never see her husband again.
The two rival clans met at Cnucha (Knock), where a battle took place. Clan Baiscne was the larger and stronger of the two, but Tadg used his magic to confuse and stir fears among the warriors of Clan Baiscne.
Cumhaill faced Goll and took out one of his enemy's eyes in the fighting, but Cumhaill was suddenly overcome with fear and weakness from Tadg's sorcery. Lia, lord of Luachar, saved Goll, and killed Cumhaill.
The battle turned against Clan Baiscne at Cumhaill's death. Those who remained were killed; few survivors including Cumhaill's brother, Crimmal, escaped from the massacre and fled to the woods.
Wounded, Goll was appointed captain of the Fianna, because of his victory over Clan Baiscne. Goll appointed Lia as the Treasurer of the Fianna. Lia took the magic crane bag from Cumhaill's body. The crane bag contained the treasures of the Fianna. Goll ordered his warriors to hunt down all the warriors of Clan Baiscne who survived the battle, including their families.
Related Information
Fotha Catha Chnucha (The Cause of the Battle of Cnucha) is found in the Book of the Dun Cow.
Acallam na Senórach (Colloquy of the Ancients).
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By Jimmy Joe