God of war. Neit was a son of Dagda. Neit was said to have been the father of the Fomorians: Delbaeth, who was the father of Elatha, and of Dót, who was the father of Balor. (This Delbaeth should not be confused with the Danann son of Ogma or Angus.)
Neit may have been the consort of Morrígan. Neit was married to Badb and Frea. Neit was also said to be the father of Esarg, who was the father of the Danann physician, Dian Cécht.
Neit was the Danann king of Ireland before the arrival of the sons of Mil (Milesians). He was killed in battle against the Fomorians.
His three sons succeeded him: MacCuill, MacCecht and MacGrené (MacGrene). (According to an alternative tale, they were the sons of Ogma or Cermait; both were sons of Dagda). The three sons were married to Banba, Fohla and Eriu, the three daughters of Ernmas. The three wives were the three goddesses of Ireland. The Milesians invaded Erin (Ireland) during his sons' reign.
Related Information
Neit, Net, Nét.
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By Jimmy Joe